Subaru Services
in East,TX

+4,849 Reviews

Subaru Services
in East,TX

+4,849 Reviews

Service and Repair of Subaru Vehicles

For all Subaru owners in Friendswood, Pasadena, and Deer Park, TX, Discount Inspection and Brakes is the go-to place for quality service. As a Subaru owner, you need to find the best in service and repair to make sure your vehicle lasts for the long haul. After all, you have invested in a quality car when you purchased a Subaru, so it only makes sense to provide it with top quality care to protect that investment. We offer the best repair and service of Subaru vehicles in the area thanks to our talented team and years of experience. Give us a call or stop by today and we will get right to work for you!

While most auto shops stop at just getting the job done under the hood, we go far above and beyond. In fact, you can expect a top notch customer service experience as soon as you walk in the door of our shop. We offer our local customers pick up and drop off service to make the process easier, and we are always happy to answer any questions that you have.

We have a dedicated team of certified technicians who work in our shop and will be taking care of your Subaru when you bring it in. Our team is experienced with all of the various Subaru models, including the BRZ, Tribeca, Outback, XV Crosstrek, Impreza, Impreza WRX, Legacy, Forester and more. No matter what kind of maintenance or service you need, count on our team to be up to the task!





Auto repair is an inevitable aspect of owning a vehicle. When something needs to be fixed, we'll be here to help.

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Brakes keep you and others on the road safe despite traveling at such high speeds. We'll help keep your brakes in great shape.

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The key to a smooth drive is a proper wheel alignment. If you're feeling a bit of a shake, stop on in, we'd be happy to take a look.

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